[Note to the reader: Jayne Elizabeth Lewis studies Anne Finch's fables in the context of a fable traditon in a useful perceptive study (The English Fable: Aesop and Literary Culture, 1651-740 [Cambridge UP, 1996]). However, Finch's fables also reflect Finch's work in very different genres (e.g., erotic-lyric, personal-meditative or playful, drama, epistolary satire, Miltonics, Donnian-Marvel line of wit, sensual from the Tasso and the European baroque). This bibliography is meant to present her sources for her translation work from a variety of genres. For a handy list of Anne Finch's translations, adapations and imitations alphabetized by title of poem or name of original poet, click here. For an essay on Finch in the context of all her translations and varied uses of genres, see my close reading of her practice as a translator: Anne Finch as a Translator (on the development of her techniques in her original poetry through her practice of translation).]

Bibliography of the Original Source Texts

The Fables

The Lyrics and Satires

The following bibliography does not pretend to be complete. It lists often neglected important sources of Anne's art and includes texts Anne Finch alluded to in central or important ways, texts which influenced hers, two texts which parodied one of hers, as well as those texts she translated, adapted and imitated.

The Plays

This too does not pretend to completeness. I do not include editions of Thomas Otway, Nathaniel Lee, John Dryden, Katherine Philips, all of whose plays (among many) influenced Anne's. Again I am emphasising sources that are explicitly imitated, translated or adapted (target texts), and influences insufficiently explored as yet.

Religious Sources

Contact: Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated 9 January 2003