We are two part-time academics. Ellen teaches in the English department and Jim in the IT program at George Mason University.

"'Cast out from respectability a while'" · 4 November 06

Dear Harriet,

A busy day.

In the early morning, I cut more than 300 words from the nearly 1400 word review I wrote for Renaissance Quarterly of Sharon Seelig’s study of 6 17th century women autobiographers (Margaret Hoby, Anne Clifford, Lucy Hutchinson, Ann Fanshawe, Anne Halkett, Margaret Cavendish), and sent the paper to Renaissance Quarterly. Just before supper I managed to put my paper onto my website, "’Cast out from respectability a while:’ Anne Murray Halkett’s Life in the Manuscripts".

I spent most of the rest of the day enjoying myself immensely reading some brillant oocytical (feminine for seminal) film criticism on film adaptations of Austen’s novels. I wrote some friends last night and this morning. Jim and I had a lovely walk in the middle of the afternoon, and tonight I mean to watch a film adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, a profound poetic book which I’m listening to in my car (read by Virgina Leishman).

By remaining quietly at work at what I love best, taking time out only to talk to Jim, email with friends and walk where it’s picturesque, I find these hives are fading, receding. We had a yummy dinner too: chicken cutlets, eggplant in tomato sauce on asparagus, much wine, coffee and the left-over chocolate biscuits from Halloween with fresh pears.

We hope to see Farquhar’s The Beaux Strategem next weekend at the Arena at half-price.


Posted by: Ellen

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