And now, an excerpt from part 14 of "Their Duties to the Queen," tenatively titled "Search and Rescue," currently in progress...

With only the prospective army members left in Piyoeré, morning saw a different feeling permeate the town, one of purpose and determination. A lot of uncertainty too, though. Even the militia men left over had no real idea of what a larger army like this one was going to do with itself.

Yané was trying to focus on one thing at a time. She would absolutely lose her mind if she did anything else. She spent an hour trying to memorize the entire route from Piyoeré to the caves, after which she only wished she would hear something new from their resistance movement. She knew it was probably for the better that they hadn’t heard from the three groups that had left, but she was impatient for the evening, in the hop that someone else would arrive from the valley where her mother still remained. Which she ought not to rely on happening, yet she did anyway.