My immortal longings begin and end

My immortal longings begin and end
in you--wonderfully, rapturously,
intensely burn, without your touching me,
in the secret recesses of my heart.

Let me--through grace--feel and remain aware
the bright living warmth in me won't depart,
--nothing of my body will grow cold again
if a divine presence moves, enters me.

My thoughts must dwell unchangeably on this
lovely quickening all-consuming flame
for rebirth into the more certain world;

But as I can't see or grasp my vision:
how welcome would be but one sign from God's
mind, the fathomless depths of the heavens.

An image of the Italian text from Visconti's 1840 edition
From V VII:393. See also B A2:4:76. Key

Amaro Lagrimar
Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated 6 January 2003