From the 1759 Rime e Lettere di Veronica Gambara

On the Illustrations

This is one of three full-page illustrations which appear in Rizzardi's magnificent mid-18th century edition of Gambara's poetry and letters. The drawing of Gambara in the act of writing and the frontispiece to the edition of Apollo and the Muses taking her to the Elysian Fields are were engraved by Domenico Cagnoni after the designs of Francesco Savani.1 Half-, quarter, and third-size rubrics or vignettes and colophons are scattered throughout the edition. One of the most interesting appears in the center of the title page. We see at a distance on a grassy meadow what looks like the top of a modest house; this building may be intended to allude to Gambara's villa (her "casino"). In the front of the drawing is a porcupine over whom in a banner the words "non solum nobis" appear. The whole is framed by vine leaves, grapes and branches in an 18th century picturesque style.

1 See Ugo Vaglia, "La Fortuna di Veronica Gambara nel Settecento Bresciano," pp. 183-92, in Cesare Bozzetti, Pietro Gibellini, and Ennio Sandal, edd., Veronica Gambara e la Poesia del Suo Tempo Nell'Italia Settentrionale, Atti de Convegno, Brescia-Corregio, 17-19 ottobre 1985 (Firenze: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 1985).
Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated: 15 March 2004