From the time I found my eyes no longer Da indi in qua ch'agl'occhi miei si tolse
From the time I found my eyes no longer
looked into the numinous light of yours,
which I fled, my tormented heart has turned,
twisted round to follow you once again

joyously. I never tired, never grieved
when I was near your strength and splendor,
charmed by you, suddenly I flew, emerged,
from my shell. I have never looked back.

With you I dwell, from your beautiful face
take life; I scorn all other sustenance;
I don't care the least for anything else.

How happy those who really get to speak
soft love, and never see such noble grace,
singular beauty taken from their sight

Da indi in qua ch'agl'occhi miei si tolse
Vostra luce del mondo eterno honore,
Da me fuggendo, il tormentato core
Gioioso a seguir voi tutto si volse.

Né un punto sol di lassar me si dolse
Preso dal vostro divo almo splendore
E, invaghito di quel, subito fore
Volò, che indietro mai non si rivolse.

Con voi dimora e dal bel vostro volto
Il viver prende e ogn'altro cibo sprezza
Né cura d'altro ben poco né molto.

Felice lui, che gusta la dolcezza
Del parlar dolce, e non veder gli è tolto
L'altra leggiadra e singular bellezza.


Costa 21:31-32; 1995 Bullock 24:83. For Key see A Note on the Italian texts


First printed 1845 Rampini. Costa thought this written by Gambara when she was very young or before her marriage. Yet another sonnet with the rhyme scheme of Più volte il miser cor avea assaltato. See 1995 Bullock p. 83n (he gives it a platonic reading).
Secret Sacred Woods
Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated: 5 September 2003