Annotated Chronology: Anne Finch

Title Index

- A -
Untitled. A brief song [For the soft Joys of Love . . . ]
Untitled: These verses were inserted . . . [Absence in love . . . ]
A Act of Contrition
Adam Pos'd
Advertisement for the Gazetter, Flying post, Weekly journal . . . [Whereas 'tis . . . ]
An Advertisement [I having seen . . . ]
After drawing a twelf cake
The Agreeable [She is not fair . . . ]
The agreeable [Tho Sir I do much . . . ]
All is Vanity
[Aminta:] Amintor being ask'd by Thirsis . . .
[Aminta:] From the French translation . . . the Golden Age
[Aminta:] From the French Translation . . . Though wee of Small . . .
[Aminta:] Some Peices out of the First Act . . . Dafne's answer
[Aminta:] Thirsis persuades Amintor . . .
An Answer to Mirtilla [Ripped out]
[Untitled] Apollo. [An Invocation . . . I grant thee . . . ]
An Apology for my fearfull temper
The Appology
Ardelia's answer to Ephelia
Areta [Folger: Ardelia] to Melancholy
Aristomenes, or The Royal Shepherd
[Aristomenes] EPILOGUE
[Aristomenes:] Prologue, To my Lord Winchilsea
An Aspiration
At first Waking
[Athalia] Part of the Fifth Scene in the Second Act
- B -
A Ballad [The South Sea affair . . . ]
A Ballad to Mrs Catherine Fleming in London from Malshanger farm . . .
The Bargain. a Song between Bachus & Cupid
The Battle between the Rats and the Weazles
Being an Excellent Ballad . . . an Accident that happen'd at Ld Weymouth at Long-Leat . . .
The Bird
The Brass-Pot, and Stone- Jugg
Untitled. A brief song [For the soft Joys of Love . . . ]
- C -
Caesar and Brutus
Untitled [Call Delia Whore . . . ]
The cautious Lovers
The Change
The Circuit of Appollo
Clarinda's Indifference at Parting with Her Beauty
The Consolation [See! Phoebus . . . ]
A Contemplation
Untitled [Cosmelia's charmes . . . ]
The Critick and the Writer of FABLES.
Cupid and Folly
- D -
The Decision of Fortune. A FABLE
Democritus and his Neighbours
A Description of One of the Pieces of Tapistry at Long-Leat
A Dialogue [When my Aminta weeps . . . ]
The DOG and his MASTER
[Don Carlos:] A Prologue
- E -
The Eagle, the Sow, and the Cat
On Easter Day
An Elegy. From the Muses at Parnassus
an enquiry after peace [Verses, incerted in a letter to my Lady Thanet]
The Enquiry
EPILOGUE [to Aristomenes]
An Epilogue to . . . Jane Shore
An EPISTLE from a Gentleman to Madam Deshouliers
An Epistle from Alexander to Ephestion
An Epistle, From Ardelia to Mrs. Randolph
An Epistle to Mr Prior on the New Edition of His Work's.
An Epistle to Mrs Catherine Fleming at Coleshill
An Epistle to the honourable Mrs. THYNNE, persuading her to have a Statue made
The Equipage
- F -
A Fable [A MAN whose house . . . ]
The Fall of Caesar
Fanscomb Barn
The First Edilium of Bion English'd
The first twelve Verses . . .
The following Lines . . . the Marriage of Edward . . . Mrs. Elizabeth Herbert
The following poem is taken from the Epistle for the monday before Easter [Who is this from Edom . . . ]
For Mrs Catherine Flemming at ye Lord Digby's at Coleshill at Warwickshire
For the better [1713: imitated from Sir Roger L'Estrange]
Untitled. A brief song [For the soft Joys of Love . . . ]
The Forty-Fifth Ode of Anacreon
Fragment at Tunbridge- Wells
A Fragment of a dessign'd Poem upon Pitty
Fragment [So here confin'd, and but to female Clay]
Freindship Between Ephelia and Ardelia
The Free-Thinkers
From St Austin's manual . . . The desire of that Soul which hath a feeling . . .
From the French translation of . . . Aminta . . . the Golden Age
From the French Translation of . . . Aminta . . . [Though wee of Small . . . ]
From the French Translation of Petrarqu'188th Sonnett [When Phoebus, at declining . . . ]
- G -
unknown [Give me, Oh!--2nd petition poem . . . .]
The Goute and Spider
The Grove
- H -
The happynesse of a departed Soul
Herbert [The following Lines . . . the Marriage of Edward . . . Mrs. Elizabeth Herbert]
The Hog, the Sheep, and Goat carrying to a FAIR
Honour. A Song
The House of Socrates
an Hymne Compos'd of the 148th Psalm Paraphras'd
An Hymn of Thanksgiving after a dangerous fit of sickness
A Hymn to Venus
The Hyp In a Letter to W: C-- Esq
- I -
In a Pindarick Poem upon the late Hurrycane . . . [You have obey'd . . .]
[To a Freind [Flavio.] In Praise of the Invention of writing Letters
The Introduction
An Invitation to Dafnis. To leave his Study . . .
[Untitled] An Invocation to Apollo [ I grant thee . . . ]
An Invocation to Sleep
An Invocation to the southern Winds
- J -
[Jane Shore:] An Epilogue to . . . Jane Shore
Jealousy: A Song [Vain Love, why dos't thou boast . . .]
Jealousie is the Rage of a Man
The Jester and the little Fishes
Jupiter and the Farmer.
- K -
The King and the Shepheard
- L -
La Passion Vaincue
The last chapter of Eclesiastes Paraphras'd
The Lawrell [You who remote . . . ]
A Letter to Daphnis at London
A Letter to [Dafnis] Daphnis from Westminster Ap: the 2d: 1685
A Letter to Flavio
A Letter to Mr. Finch, Aprill the 2d 85
A Letter to Mr. Finch from Tunbridge wells, August 17th, 1685.
A Letter to Mr. Finch Oct. 21st 1690
A Letter to Mrs Arrabella Marow
A Letter to My Sister Ogle From Kyrby
A Letter to the Hon: ble Lady Worseley at Long-Leat
A Letter to the same person
Life's Progress
Untitled. Lines upon Eastwell Park
[Longleat ballad:] Being an Excellent Ballad . . . an Accident that happen'd at Ld Weymouth at Long-Leat . . .
The LORD and the BRAMBLE
The Losse
Love Death and Reputation
The LYON and the GNAT
- M -
The MAN and his HORSE.
The Man bitten by Fleas
Man's Injustice towards Providence
Mary Magdalen at our Saviour's Tomb
A Maxim for the Ladys
Melinda on an insipped Beauty [You, when your body . . . Sapho's]
The Miller, his Son and the Asse
The misanthrope
Moderation or The Wolves and the Sheep
A Moral Song [Wou'd we attain . . .]
THE Mussulman's Dream OF THE VIZIER and DERVIS
My Sister Ogle From Kyrby
- N -
A New Ballad [To all you sparkling . . . ]
A Nocturnal Reverie
No Grace
- O -
Occasion'd By the Death of Collonel Baggot
An Ode Written upon Christmas Eve . . . 1714
Untitled [Ombre and Basset . . . ]
On Absence. From the Maxims of Bussy Rabutin
On a double Stock July- flower
On Affliction
On a Short Visit
On Grief
On Lady Cartret drest like a shepherdess at Count Volira's ball
On my being charged with writing a lampoon at Tunbridge
On my Selfe
On the Death of the Honourable Mr. James Thynne
On the Death of the Queen
On the Lord Dundee
On these Words--for as much as ye did it unto the last of these my Brethren [Why are my steps with held . . . ]
On these Words--thou has hedg'd my way with thorns.
On Nicolini's leaving the stage
The 146th Psalm Paraphras'd
Over the Picture of Major Pownoll
The Owl Describing Her Young Ones
- P -
Parting with Beauty
Part of the Fifth Scene in the Second Act of Athalia
A Pastoral. Between Menalcus and Damon
A Pastoral Dialogue Between two Shepheardesses
The Petition for an Absolute Retreat
[Petrarch:] From the French Translation of Petrarqu'188th Sonnett [When Phoebus, at declining . . . ]
The Philosopher, the Young Man, and his Statue
In a Pindarick Poem upon the late Hurrycane . . . [You have obey'd . . .]
A Poem For the Birth Day of the Right Honorable the Lady Catherine Tufton
A Poem Occasion'd by the sight of the 4th Epistle Lib. Epist. 1 of Horace
The Poor man's Lamb or Nathan's Parable to David
A Prayer for Salvation
The Preface
A Preparation to Prayer
The Prevalence of Custom
The prodigy
Prologue, To my Lord Winchilsea [Aristomenes]
A Prologue, To Don Carlos
Psalm the 137th Paraphras'd to the 7th Verse
the puggs
- Q -
TheQueen Cypress, or Love Above Ambition [The Triumphs of Love and Innocence]
- R -
Ralpho's Reflections Upon the Anniversary of His Wedding.
Reflections upon part of the 8th verse of the 148 Psalm [You have obey'd . . .]
The Retirement
Right Zeal
- S -
The Safety of a low State
[Sapho, from the Greek of:] A Hymn to Venus
[Sapho's] Melinda on an insipped Beauty [You, when your body . . . Sapho's]
The Second Chapter of the Wisdom of Solomon
The Shepherd and the Calm
The Shepherd Piping to the Fishes
A Sigh
Untitled [Sir plausible as 'tis well known]
To Sleep
Some occasional Reflections Digested (Tho not with great regularity) into a Poeme.
[Aminta:] Some Peices out of the First Act . . . Aminta . . . Dafne's answer to Silvia
Some Reflections in a Dialogue between Teresa and Ardelia
The Song, by a female musician, Phelinda [Song from Triumphs/Queen Cypress]
A Song [By love pursu'd . . . ]
A Song, by Marina [from Triumphs/Queen Cypress]
A Song [Cease Mirtilla & c]
A Song design'd to have been brought into the part between Climander and Herminia [Wretched Amintor, Aristomenes]
A Song for a Play. Alcander to Melinda.
A Song [for my Br. Les Finch]. Upon a Punch Bowl.
A Song [If for a Woman . . . ]
A Song [Lett the Fool . . . ]
A Song [Love, thou art best . . . ]
A Song made to be sung in a play by a woman [Witt as free . . . ]
A Song: Melinda to Alcander [Witt as free . . . ]
A Song [Miranda hides her . . . . ]
A Song of the Canibals
A Song [Perswade me not, there is a grace]
A Song [Quickly Delia learn my passion]
A Song [Strephon whose person . . . ]
The Song, sung by shepherdesses [A yong shepheard . . . Aristomenes]
A Song [The Nymph in vain. . . ]
A song [The Pretious hours of flying Youth]
A Song ['Tis strange, this heart . . .]
A Song [Vain Love, why dos't thou boast . . .]
A Song [Whilst Thirsis, in his Pride . . .]
The Spleen
Sullen Green or Wully's farewell
A Suplication for the joys of Heaven
- T -
A Tale of the Miser, and the Poet.
A Tale [Over a cheerful cup. . . ]
The 10th part of the 119th Psalm Paraphras'd
Untitled: These verses were inserted . . . [Absence in love . . . ]
Thirsis persuades Amintor not to dispair [Aminta]
There's no To-morrow
The 30th Ode of Anacreon
Timely Advice to Dorinda
The TOAD undrest.
To a fellow Scribbler
To a Freind [Flavio] in Praise of the Invention of writing Letters
To a Lady who having desired me to compose somthing . . .
To Belinda
To Death
To Dr. Waldron
To Edward Jenkinson
To Daphnis Who going abroad had disired Ardelia to write . . .
To Flavia
To Flavia. By whose perswasion . . . ]
To . . . Frances Countess of Hartford who engaged Mr Eusden to write upon a wood . . .
To his Excellency the Lord Cartret at Stockholm
To Mr. F. now Earl of W. Who going abroad . . .
To Mr. Granville, on his Comedy
To Mr Pope In Answer to a coppy of verses
To Mr. Prior, from a LADY Unknown
To Mrs Arabella Marrow upon the Death of Lady Marrow
To Sleep [An Invocation]
To the Countess of Hartford on her Lord's Birthday
To the Echo in a clear night upon Astrop Walks
To the Hon ble Mrs H---n [Where is the trust . . . ]
To the Honourable The Lady Worsley at Long-leate
"To the Hon ble Mrs Thynne after twelfth Day
To the Lord March upon the death of his sparrow
To the Rev Mr. Bedford
To the Right honourable the Countess of Hartford with her volume of Poems
To the Rt. Honble the Lady Tufton Upon Adressing to me the first Lette
To the Rt Hon ble ye Ld Viscount Hatton . . . an imitation of . . . Deshouliers]
To the Nightingale
To the Painter of an ill-drawn Picture of CLEONE,
The Tradesman and the Scholar
The Tree
The Triumphs of Love and Innocence [Queen of Cypress]
- U -
Under the picture of Mr John Dryden
Under the picture of Marshall Turenne
Under the picture of Sr George Rooke
The unequal Fetters
Upon a Company of bad Dancers to good Musick
Upon an impropable undertaking [sic]
Upon Ardelia's return home
Upon Lady Selena Shirly's picture drawn by Mr Dagar
Upon my Lord WINCHILSEA's converting the Mount in his Garden . . .
Upon the Death of King James the Second
Upon the Death of . . . Lord Maidston
Upon the Death of Sir William Twisden
[upon the late Hurrycane:] In a Pindarick Poem . . . [You have obey'd . . .]
[Upon these words . . . ] Gold is try'd in the fire . . .
- V -
Verses, incerted in a letter to my Lady Thanet; being an enquiry after peace
Verses written under the King of Sweden's Picture
- W -
Untitled [We did attempt to travell . . .]
The white mouses petition
The Wit and the Beau [Strephon whose person . . . ]
Written after a violent and dagerous fit of Sicknesse
Written before a French Book
- Y -
The Young RAT and his DAM, the COCK and the CAT

Detail from a painting of the Rotunda at Beachborough House, Kent, attributed to Edward Haley, mid-18th century

Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated: 16 June 2004