Ellen And Jim Have A Blog, Too

Postings Related to Conferences

The MLA: "I began to excavate and dig" · 4 January 06

Postcolonialism or Global Lit at the MLA: Travel, Trollope, & Australia · 6 January 06

The MLA: Bookered Books & the Prize Culture · 9 January 06

The MLA: Great Women Writers: Austen, Wharton, Woolf · 12 January 06

Women's Autobiography: at Montreal · 4 April 06

Women's Memoirs and Self-Presentation through Things · 4 April 06

Women in Cyberspace: "And then I arrived at the powerful green hill" · 6 April 06

Women novelists, landscape through female eyes, women's friendships & letters: at Montreal · 11 April 06

Women's lives, art & books: at Montreal · 14 April 06

Movies at the MLA · 7 January 07

Victorians Reassess Victorian Keywords at the MLA · 10 January 07

Women in the long 18th Century at the MLA · 12 January 07

Virginia Woolf at the MLA & Leonard Woolf on the train · 16 January 07

ASECS, Atlanta: On the Gothic, Actresses & Tiepolo · 13 April 07

ASECS, Atlanta: Austen & women's private writing (Elizabeth Grant Smith's memoirs) · 15 April 07

ASECS, Atlanta: Actresses (Cont'd) & poetry of the 1780s · 18 April 07

"Every 15 years or so we ought to clean the windows" · 22 April 07

ASECS, Atlanta: Women & Wit, French moralistes, & Scheherazade · 23 April 07

ASECS, Atlanta: Politeness, Science & Poetry, Paratexts & Women's Memoirs · 30 April 07

ASECS, Atlanta: The marriage act of 1753 · 3 May 07

The Victorian Age at the MLA, 2007 · 10 January 08

Women writers at the MLA, 2007 · 13 January 08

Scots Literature, Radio Adaptations, Digital Turns, Borat & Hotels, MLA 2007 · 16 January 08

ASECS, Portland: Samuel Richardson's novels · 1 April 08

ASECS, Portland: Women's writing & landscape art · 3 April 08

ASECS, Portland: A Miscellany · 8 April 08

East Central 18th century conference, Georgetown (1): Spanish writers, the Duchess of Devonshire, Gluck, & Shakespearean allusion · 19 November 08

East Central 18th century conference, Georgetown (2): couplets, reformed rakes (!), & moral geography in Mansfield Park · 21 November 08

BSECS Jan '09: Life-writing · 19 January 09

BSECS Jan '09: Life-writing (2) · 23 January 09

ASECS, Richmond: the 18th century on film · 12 April 09

ASECs, Richmond: women writers & women's issues · 15 April 09

ASECS, Richmond: top books & authors, poetry & pictures · 19 April 09